Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014


Conditional Sentence/ If Clause
(kalimat  pengandaian)
ü  The meaning : conditional sentence is the sentence that used to express the desirability, expectation, assumption, planning, etc.
ü  Conditional sentence divided into 3 types:
1.      Conditional sentence Type 1 (future conditional)
2.      Conditional sentence Type 2 (present conditional)
3.      Conditional sentence Type 3 (past conditional)
But, in this material that will be learned is the conditional sentence type 2 and 3.

ü  Conditional sentence type 2 (present conditional)              The Unreal Present
The conditional clauses in the Unreal Present are used to indicate that the realization or fulfillment of the idea or activity is impossible at any time in the present or future. In other words, this kind of conditional is for imaginary idea which is impossible to realize.
The pattern:
If +S +v2 +O
S+ would + v1 + O
If + S+ didn’t + v1 + O
S+ would not + v1 +O
If + S+ were+ adj./noun/adv
S+ would + be+ adj./ noun/ adv
If + S+ were not+ adj./ noun/adv
S+ would not + be +adj./ noun/ adv
Note: untuk membuat kenyataan dari pengandaian sekarang maka kita buat penalaran yaitu jika kalimat pengandaiannya ‘ positive’ maka kenyataannya ‘negative’. Begitupun sebaliknya jika pengandaiannya ‘ negative kenyataannya ‘positive’
1.      If I had money now, I would buy the shoes
(It means: I don’t have money now, so I don’t buy the shoes)
2.      If you were rich, I would marry you
(It means: you are not rich, so I don’t marry you)
3.      If Andi loved Tumini, she would be happy.
(It means: Andi doesn’t love Tumini, so she is not happy)
ü  Conditional sentence type 3 (past conditional)                   The Unreal Past
The unreal past conditional clauses are used to indicate that the fact in the statement is not fulfilled, as a matter of fact, the statement is contrary to the fact in the past.
The pattern:
If + S + had + v3 + O
S+ would + have + v3 + O
If + S + had+ not+ v3+ O
S+ would not + have + v3 + O
If + S+ had been + adj. / noun/ adv
S+ would have been+ adj./ noun/ adv
If+ S + had not+ been + adj./ noun/ adv
S+ would not + have been + adj. /noun/ adv

Note: untuk membuat kenyataan dari pengandaian lampau maka kita buat penalaran yaitu jika kalimat pengandaiannya ‘ positive’ maka kenyataannya ‘ negative’. Begitpun sebaliknya  jika pengandaiannya ‘negative’ kenyataannya ‘positive’.

1.      If I had had much money, I would have gone aboard yesterday.
(It means: I didn’t have much money yesterday, so I didn’t go aboard)
2.      If I had been there last night, I would have helped her.

(It means: I was not there last night, so I didn’t help her)

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