Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014

Contoh Abstrak English Education Department

Rahmawati, Esti. 2014. Teaching English Vocabulary for the Fifth Grade Students of MI Darul Falah Ngembal Kudus by Using Last One Standing Game in Academic Year 2013/2014”. Skripsi. English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors:      (1) Drs. Muh. Syafei, M. Pd (2) Dr. Drs. Slamet Utomo, M. Pd.
Key words : Teaching English Vocabulary, Last One Standing Game.

Teaching English to elementary school students as a local content has a goal that the students are expected to have skills of the language in simple English with emphasis on listening, speaking, reading and writing skill using selected topics related to their environmental needs.In learning English, the most important thing to think about is vocabulary. It is crucial for teachers to teach them vocabulary first. Generally teaching material for young learners emphasize on the ability to enrich their vocabulary of English language. The best technique should be used to make students as young learners more attractive and more enthusiastic in learning English. Last one standing game is one of the best technique to teach English vocabulary.
The objective of this research is to describe whether there is any significant difference of the vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of MI Darul Falah Ngembal Kudus in academic year 2013/2014 before and after being taught by using Last One Standing game.
The research is done at the fifth grade students of MI Darul Falah Ngembal  Kudus. The writer used Quasi-experimental research and test as the instrument of the research. The research subject is the whole students, consist of 17 students. The instrument used to collect the data is written test that consist of twenty items of multiple choice test. All of the students are given pre-test and  post-test.
The result of of this research shows that (1) the English vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of MI Darul Falah Ngembal Kudus in academic year 2013/2014 before being taught by using Last One Standing game is categorized “sufficient” by the mean score is 68.35 and the standard deviation is 10.53. (2) the English vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of MI Darul Falah Ngembal Kudus in academic year 2013/2014 after being taught by using Last One Standing game is categorized “good” by the mean score is 82.4 and the standard deviation is 6.8. (3) there is significant difference between the English vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of MI Darul Falah Ngembal Kudus in academic year 2013/2014 before and after being taught by using Last One Standing game. It is showed by t-observation = 5.75 > t-table = 2.921 for level of significant 0.01 and df = 17-1=16.

Based on the result of the research above, the writer concludes that the use of Last One Standing game as technique in teaching English vocabulary for the fifth grade students is good to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. It is make the students felt enjoy and increase students’ motivation in learning English.

3 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum sist boleh minta file lengkap ttg judul skripsi ini kebetulan sya lgi butuh bnyak referensi untuk skripsi saya ..thanks

  2. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  3. ka boleh minta alamat web atau arikel tentang game nya ..
