Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014




On sunny day, there are a beautiful lady and handsome man. They are talking and walking together.
Tour guide       : Welcome to Prambanan Temple. This is Roro Jonggrang statue. This
                              building is the biggest in prambanan complex. (menunjuk patung Roro JOnggrang)
Tourist             : Gotcha, did you know about her story?
Tour guide       : Yes, I did. Well, according a reliable legend. One day there lived a
                              gergeous woman. She was friendly, kind, and visible woman.

In the afternoon a daughter and a dady were talking in the floor. They were sitting relaxly.
Roro Jonggrang: Dad, do you have a plan for next week?
Dady                : Hemm … Yess I have. I have hunting. Do you agree?
Roro Jonggrang: It doesn’t matter… It’s OK dady. Let’s go to home. The wind is so hard.
Evening had been inside that room. The weather was so cool and humid. They decided to enter their home .
In early morning they had been in the jungle.
Dady                : Look at my dear! (menunjuk seekor hewan yang siap diburu dengan
RJ                    : Yaa… I see dady. Just keep our striding. Ssssstttt !!! (mengincar hewan
                                 buruan seraya menunduk)
Dady                : Go .. now .. now my dear !. Just break your arrow head ! nowww !
RJ                    : I’m with you, dady
Ketika RJ akan melepaskan anak panah tiba-tiba hewan itu hilang
Dady                      : It’s a mess. Ckckckcck
RJ                          : It’s so strange. When I wanna break it , it is lost. Hahhh
When they were expected with new big game. Suddenly a handsome man came close them
Bandung Bandawasa   : Ehemmm . do you look for this thing? (menunjukkan kelinci      
                                          telah mati)
Dady                            : Who are you?
BB                               : Let’s me introduce my self, uncle. My name’s Bandung
                                          Bandawasa. I’m a prince from nirwana castle.
Dady                            : where is it?
BB                               : It’s so far from this jungle. I’m here to hunt a wife. And I’m
                                           interested with her (menunjukkan jari telunjuk kea rah rara jonggrang).
Dady                            : Wacth out !! go behind me, my dear !! (Rara Janggrang
                                           bersembunyi di belakang sang ayah)
BB                               : Haahahha. Don’t be frightened like this . I’m kind. Please just
                                          give your welcome to my self. (memohon)
RJ                                : Dady, please give him opportunity to attest his agreement. I
                                          think he is good people.
Dady                                : Make sure everything is OK. Common to go castle.
They let the jungle and went to castle.

In the beautiful garden castle, there were a couple that were sitting closely. At that windy afternoon and created sound of water flowing in a small stream. So that, the occasion became romantic.
BB           : What’s your name?
RJ            : My name is Roro Jonggrang. You make call me Roro.
BB           : OUh. It’s nice name…
                 Anyway, where is your mother, sister, and brother? I don’t see them.
RJ            : Frankly, my mom was passed away, when I was 12th. At that time, there was a
                  big war. And one of spear of army’s rival attacked my heart’s mom. I’m just and
                  only daughter. So, I don’t have blood brother.
BB           : It’s so big hurt. And I’m sorry to hear that.
RJ            : Yes, thanks.
BB           : Will you marry with me?
RJ            : By George !!! It’s still short time. I recognize you, mister. Why’s that?
BB           : The lure of yours is smile. Don’t let  me.
                  Ketika mereka sedang asyik bersenandung , tiba-tiba ayah Roro datang.
Dady      : ehemm…. Time is up. Go to bed now, dear. And you mister, follow me.
They let that room and went away.

In early morning
Dayang 1   : Princess Roro, your father goes to Pengging castle. He want to make an
                   agrrement with King of Pengging castle. He leaved this castle in early morning.
                    And he gave this bottle. (memberikan botol itu ke Roro lalu pergi)
RJ               : (mengambil sebuah surat untuk di baca)
                     Oh no !!!. I don’t believe it.
                      Bandung Bandawasa had killed my mom at that big war. ????
Tiba-tiba Bandung Bandawasa telah ada di belakangnya.
BB           : Will you marry with me?
RJ            : (dengan raut muka yang sangat dendam Ia menatap BB)
                  OK. You can marry with me. But you must do something !
BB           : What’s that?
RJ            : Something as requirement to get my love. You must make 999 temples for me
                  in one night. Tonight !
BB           : Hahahahaha. It’s piece of cake !!. I’ll do it tonight. Just wait for me !!!
Rara Jonggrang leaved him.
BB           : (duduk dan bersemedi  )
                  All pretty ladies elf 3x… please come here… I need your helping hand…
Kemudian 3 jin(elf) wanita datang di hadapan BB.
The Queen of elf : hi.. what’s up?  You call me…
BB                        : help me,please !!!
The Queen of elf: what can I do for you?
BB                       : Please help me to make 999 temples in one night, exactly tonight
The Queen of elf: hahahaha… that’s all?? . It’s so easy. Hahahah. Ok Tonight I’ll be here
                               and help you.
Biiterly cold and pitch dark had come in that moment.
BB                           : Hoooooooo… All pretty ladies elf… come here…
2nd elf                    : Hi… my queen is still busy. She has business in another place…
3rd elf                    : Yeah… we are ready to help you, mister. Our queen give the command
                                 we must back before the sun rises.
BB                           : Well I see. Ok you can start it.
(Mereka membantu membuat candi hingga sampai tinggi. Dan candi kian banyak dan mengerucut.)
RJ            : Oh no the building will be complete. I must doing something. What can I do?
                (menyanyikan lagu ayam jantan)
2nd elf    : Oh no… the sun will rise
3rd elf    : … Now. Now… We must go… Bandung we must go now…
2nd elf    : Bye……
BB           : Oh no… It’s too quick.
(jin kemudian pergi)
RJ           : Ehem… time is up and time is over. I’ll check and account my temples.
BB           : But…
RJ           : One, two, 990, 997, 999 . What? Just 999? It’s least. Where is one?
BB           : please wait it. I’ll make it just for you.
RJ           : No, Bandung. You are lose. I’m sorry you must let me now. I won’t marry with
                  you. Go away !!!
BB           : No, Rara. You must marry with me
RJ           : No !!!
BB           : I’ll give you a punishment. I’ll curse you. Now. Be statue Rara, Be statue !!! now
                  Nowwwww. (dengan nada yang sangat marah dan benci)
Kemudian Rara menjadi patung untuk selama-lamanya.


Tourist             : Oh yeahhh.. I see…

Tour guide       : That’s all story of Rara Jonggrang. We can go to another statue.

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